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How Blood Tests Spot Changes in your Blood Before You Have Symptoms

Many doctors recommend blood tests to spot early symptoms of health problems. A single blood test can reveal crucial information about your health and wellness.

Most of us have had blood tests – but few people know what doctors are looking for on a blood test.

Today, we’re explaining some of the basics behind a blood test. Keep reading to discover how blood tests spot changes in your blood before you have symptoms.

How Blood Tests Work

During a blood test, a specialist takes a small sample of blood from your body. A lab analyzes your blood, then delivers results to your doctor.

Most doctors recommend blood tests as part of a routine checkup. Doctors can check some symptoms during a routine physical – like your blood pressure.

However, a blood test goes “behind the scenes” to discover more information about your physical health and wellness.

Depending on the type of test, you may need to fast for 8 to 12 hours before the test (say, for a blood glucose test). With many blood tests, however, you are not required to fast.

Blood tests are quick and easy. A technician will draw blood from a vein in your arm using a needle. Or, some blood tests take a finger prick.

What Do Blood Tests Show?

A traditional blood test can reveal:

  • How well your organs are working, including your kidneys, liver thyroid, and heart
  • Early symptoms of diseases like cancer, diabetes, anemia, coronary heart disease, or HIV/AIDS
  • Risk factors for heart disease based on the components in your blood
  • Whether or not your medications are working
  • How well your blood clots

Types of Blood Tests

Some of the most common types of blood tests include:

  • Complete blood count (CBC) blood tests
  • Blood chemistry tests
  • Blood enzyme tests
  • Blood tests for heart disease risk

Blood tests check different things. A CBC blood test, for example, is one of the most common types of tests and is frequently recommended as part of a routine checkup. A CBD blood test can detect blood diseases, anemia, infections, clotting, or cancers in your blood.

Types of Information Revealed on a Blood Test

Most of us know how blood tests work. However, few of us actually understand what’s on a blood test report. Your doctor analyzes the results, then explains them to you – but you may not know what each component on your blood test means.

Here are some of the components included on a typical blood test:

White and Red Blood Cell Count: Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. White blood cells influence your immune system. If you have abnormal red or white blood cell counts, it could be a sign of infection, blood cancer, or an immune disorder.

Platelets: Your blood clots because of platelets. Platelets are fragments of blood cells that stick together, sealing cuts and preventing excessive bleeding. A blood test could tell you if platelet levels are too low, which could be a sign of a bleeding disorder. Or, you could have too many platelets, which is a thrombotic disorder that leads to too much clotting.

Hemoglobin: Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. If you have excessive hemoglobin, you could have anemia, sickle cell anemia, or other blood disorders.

Blood Glucose: If your doctor required you to fast before a blood test, the doctor may have wanted to check your fasting blood glucose levels. Glucose is the type of sugar your body uses for energy. If you have abnormal blood glucose levels, it’s a sign of diabetes. Some blood glucose tests do not require fasting.

Calcium and Electrolyte Levels: A blood test can reveal abnormal levels of calcium and electrolytes, which could be a sign of disease. If you have excessive levels of calcium, sodium, potassium, or chloride in your blood, then it could be a sign of dehydration, kidney disorder, high blood pressure, malnutrition, or other issues.

Organ Function: Blood tests reveal important information about organ function. If a doctor requests a blood test for your kidneys, then the blood test may reveal the level of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine, which are waste products that the kidneys filter out of the body. Excessive BUN or creatinine levels could indicate disease.

Blood tests reveal all of this information and more, helping you and your physician make crucial decisions about your health.

How a Science Based Nutrition Blood Test Works

A Science Based Nutrition blood test works differently from a traditional blood test.

Science Based Nutrition is a patented blood analysis system created by Van D Merkle DC, DABCI, DCBN, CCN to go beyond a traditional blood test.

Your physician is unlikely to request a Science Based Nutrition blood test: it’s something you request on your own to learn more about your health.

Science Based Nutrition blood tests solve crucial problems with traditional blood tests:

  • When you request a blood test, labs compare your blood to a “clinical range” to assess your health.
  • This clinical range includes people who are sick – or anyone who has recently visited the lab. The lab doesn’t compare your blood to a healthy population.
  • You might be in a normal range according to that clinical range and assume your blood test is great. In reality, you’re comparing bloodwork to an unhealthy population, skewing results.
  • Because of this, Science Based Nutrition practitioners believe blood tests miss crucial warning signs.
  • A Science Based Nutrition blood test incorporates an “Optimal” and “Healthy” range, giving you detailed insight into your health.

A traditional blood test reveals crucial information about your health and wellness. A Science Based Nutrition blood test reveals even more information – including plenty of things you won’t find on an ordinary blood test.

We Ship Science Based Nutrition Blood Testing Kits Anywhere in the US, then Provide Actionable Recommendations

A single blood test can reveal crucial information about your health – before you have symptoms.

Request a Science Based Nutrition blood test today. We can ship a testing kit anywhere in the United States.

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Our Science Based Nutrition expert, Dr. Jason Jumper, will analyze your results and provide actionable advice for optimum health and wellness.

Science Based Nutrition vs. Ordinary Blood Tests: What’s the Difference?

A growing number of people are choosing Science Based Nutrition (SBN) blood tests instead of traditional blood tests.

What’s the difference between a Science Based Nutrition blood test and an ordinary blood test? Why are SBN blood tests surging in popularity?

Today, we’re highlighting some of the pros and cons of Science Based Nutrition blood tests – including some of the unique insight available with a Science Based Nutrition blood test.

Traditional Blood Tests Use “Normal Ranges” – and That’s a Problem

Science Based Nutrition Ordinary blood tests compare your bloodwork to something called a normal range.

Understandably, people assume a normal range is “normal” – you assume the lab compares your blood to everyone else, helping you compare yourself against the average person.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case with traditional blood tests.

The problem lies in how labs determine normal ranges.

To create a normal range, the lab takes the results of 200 people recently tested with that lab. It tests your biomarkers against this group, then determines if you’re normal.

If these 200 people are healthy and normal, then great! You’re comparing yourself to a good sample size.

Unfortunately, these 200 people can be anyone. Some will be sick. Others will be Olympic athletes with world-class immune systems. Many people get blood tests because they feel something is wrong – which can skew the normal range.

Overall, it does not make sense to compare your blood test results to people who are already experiencing symptoms of a condition. Instead, it makes sense to compare your blood to a normal or healthy population – which is how Science Based Nutrition works.

Science Based Nutrition Compares your Blood to a Healthy or Optimal Population of People Similar to You

Being considered “normal” compared to a sample of 200 people isn’t a good thing. That’s why Science Based Nutrition compares your blood to a different sample.

By comparing your blood to a different group, Science Based Nutrition tells you the “Healthy” and “Optimal” range of your bloodwork.

Instead of comparing yourself to people who are younger or older than you or sicker or healthier than you, you can compare yourself to a more representative sample size. Science Based Nutrition compares your blood to people who are similar to you.

That’s the Science Based Nutrition blood test difference – and it leads to better actionable recommendations.

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What You’ll Learn on a Science Based Nutrition Blood Test

With a traditional blood test, the lab sends results to your doctor, and your doctor calls you to say everything is fine.

With a Science Based Nutrition blood test, you get detailed insight into your health and wellness, the best steps to take to optimize your health and wellness, and actionable strategies you can start implementing today to improve.

Some of the things covered in a Science Based Nutrition blood test include:

Individualized Supplement Recommendations: Why does a 125-pound elderly woman have the same recommended supplement serving size as an 18-year old, 250 pound bodybuilder? A Science Based Nutrition blood test can reveal individualized supplement recommendations, allowing you to customize dosage based on your unique needs, age, sex, and weight.

Early Detection & Avoidance: A Science Based Nutrition blood test can spot problems in your blood before you have symptoms, potentially allowing you to get a head start on avoiding a problem. By spotting a condition early, it’s easier to deal with the condition.

Individualized Dietary Recommendations: One person’s dietary needs are considerably different from someone else’s. Unfortunately, when you read dietary information online, it’s catered to everyone – not specifically to you. A Science Based Nutrition blood test can deliver individualized dietary recommendations to help you better understand the best foods to eat.

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Request a Science Based Nutrition Home Blood Testing Kit Today

We can mail a Science Based Nutrition testing kit to any address in the United States.

Provide a pain-less sample, then mail it to the lab for analysis. Certified Science Based Nutrition specialist Dr. Jason Jumper reviews your results, then provides actionable recommendations for optimal health and wellness.

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Top 6 Best Supplements for Immunity

Many people take supplements daily to support immunity.

If you walk through any health food store, you’ll see dozens of supplements claiming to boost immunity in various ways.

Unfortunately, not all immune-boosting supplements are made alike. Some supplements contain junk ingredients. Others are glorified multivitamins priced 10x higher than they should cost.

Fortunately, there are plenty of good supplements for immunity, including proven immune boosters backed by genuine scientific evidence.

Today, we’re highlighting some of the best supplements for supporting immunity.

Vitamin C

You can find vitamin C in any multivitamin. However, some vitamin C supplements contain a much higher dose of vitamin C to support immunity.

Vitamin C is one of the most proven and popular immune-supporting supplement ingredients available today. People have taken vitamin C supplements for decades to support immunity.

Today, research shows that vitamin C does not actually prevent respiratory illnesses – like the cold. However, studies show that vitamin C could reduce the length of time you’re sick with the cold, flu, and other conditions.

In this Cochrane review, researchers analyzed evidence on vitamin C and immunity. They found people who took vitamin C regularly had 8% to 14% shorter cold and flu symptoms than people who did not get sufficient vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Like vitamin C, vitamin D is crucial for immunity. Research has suggested a connection between vitamin D and immunity for decades. Studies show that people who are deficient in vitamin D tend to have weaker immune systems.

Your skin produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Some people also get vitamin D through food sources – like milk. If you live in a northern climate, then you may need to take a vitamin D supplement during the winter to support immunity during the colder, darker months.

This Cochrane review found that vitamin C reduced the number of colds people caught. The benefits of vitamin D supplementation were particularly powerful for those who were already deficient in the vitamin: it reduced the incidence of colds by half compared to a placebo.

Vitamin E

The third and final vitamin on our list, vitamin E has a proven connection to immunity. Research shows that vitamin E can support immunity in all people – but particularly in seniors.

One study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association found 200 IU per day of vitamin E supplementation over one year led to a significant reduction in respiratory infections, particularly upper respiratory infections, including common colds.

At any age, vitamin E is crucial for immunity and overall health and wellness. Consider taking a vitamin E supplement or a multivitamin with vitamin E to support immunity.


Zinc is a crucial mineral required for various body functions. Zinc has been used for decades as a natural immune booster, and modern research shows zinc can have a powerful impact on immunity.

This study showed that zinc reduced the risk of pneumonia in older adults, for example. Other studies have shown that zinc can have powerful immune-supporting effects on people who are deficient in zinc to begin with.

Approximately 12% of adults are deficient in zinc, although as many as 40% of elderly people are zinc deficient. If you aren’t getting enough zinc, then consider taking a zinc supplement for immunity.


Probiotic supplements have never been more popular. Studies show probiotic supplements can help with digestion, bloating, and other issues.

However, growing research shows probiotics can also impact immunity. Over half of your immune system resides in your gut. If your gut isn’t functioning normally, then it impacts immunity.

One review study found that probiotics could help reduce the length of a respiratory infection. Other studies show that probiotics could reduce your risk of developing a respiratory infection at all.

More research is needed to verify the effects of probiotics on immunity, although early research is promising.

Elderberry Extract

Elderberry extract is popular in Europe, where it’s been used for centuries to support immunity. Today, recent research has confirmed with many people already knew: elderberry has genuine immune-supporting benefits.

In this 2004 study published in the Journal of International Medical Research, researchers found elderberry extract reduced the duration of flu symptoms in 60 people between ages 18 and 54.

Similarly, this 2020 study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that elderberry syrup decreased the duration of influenza symptoms, leading to a better outcome in patients compared to a placebo.

Other studies have found elderberry extract could increase the risk of a cytokine storm – so be sure to talk to your doctor before taking elderberry extract or any other supplement on this list.

By taking supplements to support immunity, you could give your body a better chance to fight infections and illnesses – all while relying on natural vitamins, herbal extracts, and minerals found in any supplement store or grocery store.

Top 5 Easy Ways to Support your Immune System at Home

Supporting your immune system has never been more important.

A good immune system can reduce your risk of disease and illness. It can reduce your risk of catching the common cold or flu. It can also reduce the risk of chronic disease.

It’s in your best interest to support your immune system.

Fortunately, researchers know more about immunity than ever. Every day, researchers discover new, easy, at-home ways to support immune function.

Looking for easy ways to support your immune system at home? Here are some of the actionable strategies experts recommend.

Obvious Tips for Boosting Immunity

As Harvard Medical School explains, there are some obvious ways to support your immune system. It’s no secret that smoking, exercising regularly, and losing weight can help support your immune system, for example.

Some of the basic (and obvious) lifestyle habits to boost your immunity include:

  • Stop smoking
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight
  • Drink alcohol in moderation

By implementing these basic strategies today, you can quickly transform your immunity.

Get More Sleep

Sleep plays a crucial role in immune function. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, then your immune system could suffer.

As the Mayo Clinic explains, a lack of sleep can affect your immune system. Multiple studies show that people who get poor-quality sleep – or insufficient sleep – are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus, including the common cold virus.

Similarly, lack of sleep can impact your recovery time. If you aren’t getting enough sleep while sick, then it could take significantly longer to recover.

It’s no secret why sleep impacts immunity. During sleep, your body releases proteins called cytokines. Some cytokines promote sleep, while others influence your immune system.

When your body is fighting off an infection or inflammation, it needs more cytokines. When you aren’t getting enough sleep, your body isn’t producing enough cytokines, making it more likely to experience a serious infection or long-lasting inflammation.

It’s not just a short-term lack of sleep: long-term sleep deprivation is associated with a higher risk of various diseases and illnesses. Studies show people who don’t get enough sleep have a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, among other issues.

Want to supercharge your immunity? Start by getting a good night of quality sleep.

Eliminate Stress

Stress weakens the immune system. When you are stressed, it not only impacts your physical and mental wellbeing – it also makes you more likely to get sick.

Numerous studies have shown stress is linked with immunity. Researchers have found that humans who are stressed have fewer Natural Killer (NK) cells, which your body needs to fight infections and diseases.

When stressed over a long period of time, you weaken your body’s ability to fight everything from diseases and illnesses to chronic infections.

You can stress your body in multiple ways. Exercising too much, for example, weakens your immune system through physical stress.

As this 2004 review study published in Psychology Bulletin explained, psychological stress can weaken your immune system just like physical stress. Researchers analyzed 300 trials over 30 years on psychological stress and immunity. After analyzing evidence, researchers concluded that stress influences immunity due to evolutionary reasons.

Stressed? Try yoga or meditation. They’re proven stress relievers that could help you de-stress – and support your immunity.

Take (the Right) Supplements

Walk into any health food store and you’ll find countless supplements claiming to boost immunity.

Unfortunately, most immune-boosting supplements are junk. Some are multivitamins mixed with trace amounts of herbal extracts. Others use junk science or hidden ingredients to energize your body, tricking you into thinking you have stronger immunity.

Certain natural ingredients, however, have been linked to immune benefits. By taking these supplements, you could support immunity in powerful ways.

A WebMD Medical Doctor (MD) recently reviewed evidence on immune-boosting supplements to create a list of the best ingredients. Some of the most science-backed immune-supporting ingredients include:

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the most popular immune-boosting supplement ingredients available today. Whether you eat foods rich with vitamin C – or take a vitamin C supplement – it’s been shown to support immunity in multiple ways – primarily by acting as a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin D: Your skin produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Research shows that vitamin D is crucial for immunity. When you take the right dose of vitamin D per day, you’re likely to have a stronger immune system than someone who is deficient in vitamin D.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E could support immune function in seniors. One study found that taking 200 IU of vitamin E per day for one year led to a significant reduction in respiratory infection among a large group of seniors.

Zinc: Zinc is crucial for immune function. If you already get enough zinc, it’s unlikely more zinc will boost immunity. However, if you are deficient in zinc, it could weaken your immunity. Some experts recommend taking a zinc supplement.

Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial gut bacteria linked to digestion, immune function, and more. Some experts recommend taking probiotics regularly to support immunity.

Glutathione: Glutathione is an antioxidant produced naturally by your body. Some studies show glutathione influences Natural Killer (NK) cell activity, which could influence immunity.

Elderberry Extract: Elderberry extract has been used for centuries as a traditional folk medicine. Today, increasing research shows elderberry extract could influence immunity. One recent study found elderberry syrup led to significantly better outcomes for flu patients compared to a placebo.

Golden Root Extract: One strain of golden root extract, R. Rosea, has been shown to increase the percentage of memory T cells and B cells, both of which play a crucial role in immunity. The study involved just 15 men, so more research is needed to verify the benefits. But early results are promising.

Request a Science-Based Nutrition Testing Kit for Better Blood Test Results

You may have had a blood test as part of a routine physical. However, many experts believe a Science-Based Nutrition blood test is even better.

A Science-Based Nutrition blood test compares your bloodwork to a better population sample.

Instead of comparing your blood to everyone who recently used the lab, a Science-Based Nutrition blood test compares your bloodwork to a normal and optimal population.

When you request an ordinary blood test, the lab compares your results to people who recently used the lab. Many of these people are already sick, which means you’re not comparing your blood to a normal, healthy population.

This skews the results of ordinary blood tests.

That’s why many people choose Science-Based Nutrition blood tests instead.

Request a Science-Based Nutrition blood test today. We can ship a kit anywhere in the United States. You provide a pain-less sample, then ship your sample to the lab for analysis.

Our certified Science-Based Nutrition specialist Dr. Jason Jumper will review your blood test, then provide actionable recommendations for optimal health and wellness.

Request your Science Based Nutrition blood testing kit from Renew Chiropractic today and get detailed insight into your health and wellness.

How Chiropractors Help with Common Sports Injuries

Many athletes visit chiropractors for help managing common sports injuries. Chiropractors use adjustments and other therapies to relieve pain and improve mobility.

Today, we’re highlighting how chiropractors help with common sports injuries, including the treatments, recommended therapies, and other solutions chiropractors use for sprains, strains, knee injuries, swollen muscles, and other common sports injuries.

Top 10 Most Common Sports Injuries – and How Chiropractors Help

Chiropractors can help manage specific sports issues. They can also help manage overall aches and pains.

Almost every professional sports team in North America employs a chiropractor. Many professional athletes talk to a chiropractor daily or weekly to address various issues.

Amateur athletes also depend on chiropractors for aches and pains, mobility issues, and other problems.

Below, we’ll talk about some of the most common sports injuries and how chiropractors help.

Sprains: Sprains and strains are the most common types of injuries among athletes. When a ligament stretches too far or gets torn, it’s called a sprain. Many athletes experience sprains in their ankles or wrists. You might notice swelling or bruising. With more serious sprains, you may feel temporarily unable to move the region.

Strains: Strains are similar to sprains, but they occur when a muscle or tendon (not a ligament) gets torn. Tendons connect muscles to bones. When the tendon gets pulled too far, it leads to a strain. Many people experience strains in their back. Other athletes get them in their hamstrings. A strain can cause painful swelling or spasms. Like a sprain, it can temporarily immobilize the muscle.

Runner’s Knee: Knee injuries are common in many sports – from team sports to running or cycling. Excessive movement around the knee – say, when running or playing soccer – could lead to runner’s knee, where the area around the kneecap becomes tender. The scientific term for runner’s knee is patellofemoral syndrome.

Other Knee Injuries: Knees can be more severely injured. Some athletes develop pain on the sides of the knees, for example, or tendonitis. Others develop issues with the ligaments around the knee. Four crucial ligaments support the knee, and all these ligaments can be damaged from sports. Some athletes experience knee injuries because of awkward twists and turns. Others have knee issues because they failed to adequately warm up.

Shin Splints: Many amateur runners and ‘weekend warriors’ are familiar with shin splints. A shin splint is a common term for any pain along the shin bone or tibia, which is the bone running down the front of your leg between your kneecap and your foot. Like knee injuries, shin splints can occur due to a failure to warm up. Others develop shin splints simply from running or playing sports on hard surfaces – like a basketball court or concrete running path.

Fractures: Sports are filled with repetitive impacts, and these repetitive impacts can lead to fractures. Some athletes also develop fractures from a one-time impact – say, a particularly hard fall. Stress fractures can seem minor at first, but they can easily develop into a more serious issue.

Back Pain: Many athletes develop back pain because of subluxations, herniated discs, and fractures. Unlike other injuries listed here, which only target one part of your body, back pain can impact every part of your body – and back pain rarely gets better on its own.

Neck Pain: When most people think of whiplash, they think of car accidents and similar traumatic events. However, athletes at all levels can get whiplash. A single impact can cause whiplash – like a hard hit in a contact spot. Or, multiple smaller impacts over time can cause whiplash.

Concussions and Head Trauma: Concussions are tricky, and they affect people in different ways. Some people recover quickly from concussions, while others suffer serious neurological damage. Concussions can occur in both contact sports and non-contact sports.

MCL and ACL Injuries: MCL and ACL tears can affect all types of athletes. The ACL and MCL are two of the crucial ligaments for your knee. When these ligaments tear – say, by sudden movement or repetitive movements – it can lead to significant pain and mobility issues.

These are just a few of the common injuries experienced by athletes at all levels. Athletes can also experience swollen muscles, Achilles tendon injuries, dislocations, and countless other issues.

Fortunately for athletes, chiropractor have a proven ability to help manage these injuries and help athletes recover.

How Chiropractors Help Treat Sport Related Injuries

Chiropractors tackle sports injuries in different ways. A good chiropractor analyzes the patient’s issue, then recommends a customized treatment protocol based on that analysis.

Chiropractors can alleviate sports injuries in several ways. Some use sports massages to target pain and swelling in the targeted area. If an area has recently been injured, for example, then a sports massage can help.
Some of the recommended treatments chiropractors use include:

Chiropractic Adjustments: Most chiropractic care revolves around the use of adjustments, which are gentle spinal manipulations that realign vertebrae and help alleviate sports injury pain. The chiropractor manually adjusts the vertebrae to restore vital functions and relieve pressure from injured areas, helping patients heal more quickly.

Spinal Decompression: Spinal decompression can help athletes manage bulging or herniated discs, among other back and body issues.
Flexion Distraction: Flexion distraction can also address bulging and herniated discs among athletes.

Physiotherapy Techniques: Chiropractic clinics are equipped with physiotherapy systems. A chiropractor could use cold laser therapy, ultrasound, electric stimulation, and other techniques to target swelling, muscle pain, and other sports injury issues.

Every Major Pro Sports Team Employs a Chiropractor

With few exceptions, every major sports team in North America employs a chiropractor. All National Football League teams and most Major League Baseball teams have a chiropractor. Most National Hockey League teams employ a team chiropractor, as do most National Basketball Association teams.
Chiropractors must be doing something right – and that’s why many athletes depend on chiropractic care to perform at the highest levels.

Schedule a Free Sports Injury Chiropractic Consultation in Lakewood, CO Today

Schedule a free sports injury chiropractic consultation with Renew Chiropractic in Lakewood, Colorado today.

We’re a leading chiropractor clinic in the Denver area, and we have proven expertise providing chiropractic care to athletes of all levels.

Can Chiropractic Care Boost the Immune System?

A strong immune system protects your body in multiple ways. Today, some people rely on chiropractic care to support the immune system.

One three-year study found that chiropractic patients had a 200% stronger immune system than people who had not received chiropractic care, and they had a 400% stronger immune system than people with cancer and other serious diseases.

A good immune system is always important, but it’s extra important during a pandemic.

Today, we’re highlighting the connection between chiropractic care and your immune system.

How Does the Immune System Work?

You could write a textbook on how the immune system works. We’ll provide a basic explanation.

Your immune system protects your body against invaders. The immune system detects when an intruder has entered your body, then cells to attack that intruder.

The immune system uses white blood cells, proteins, and other compounds to repel invaders from your body. Ideally, your immune system recognizes these invaders, attacks the invaders, then creates antibodies to protect your body from further infection.

Unfortunately, the immune system doesn’t always work as intended. Some conditions create a malfunctioning immune system, for example. Or, your immune system may not properly recognize an invader. Some immune systems overreact to invaders, while others underreact.

The immune system isn’t perfect. However, there are ways to boost the immune system.

Problems with the Immune System

Ideally, our immune system protects the body against invaders. However, there can be problems with the immune system, and these problems can create serious health concerns.

All of these things can impact the immune system:

  • Autoimmune disorders, which are diseases where the immune system starts to attack the body because it sees normal cells as foreign invaders that need to be destroyed
  • Cancer
  • Immunodeficiency disorders, which is a general term for any disease that weakens the immune system
  • Allergies or allergic responses, which can cause the immune system to overreact
  • Certain medications (including chemotherapy and other drugs used to treat cancer)
  • Certain infections (like the flu virus, mono, or measles)
  • Smoking, alcohol, and poor nutrition

Some people develop immune problems with age. Others are born with a weak immune system, which is called primary immune deficiency. Common immune disorders include severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), which is present at birth. Some develop temporary acquired immune deficiencies – say, if the body is weakened by certain medications.

AIDS and HIV are two well-known conditions that impact the immune system. HIV, which causes AIDS, is a viral infection that destroys important white blood cells and weakens the immune system.

When you have an immune system problem, it means you could be affected by a disease that someone else can easily fight off. You could become seriously ill from a cold or flu virus, for example. These are called opportunistic infections because they take advantage of weak immune systems.

How to Strengthen your Immune System

Search Google for ‘boost immune system’ and you’ll find thousands of results. Boosting immunity is a trendy topic.

Boosting the immune system is more complicated than it seems, however. Your immune system isn’t a single entity or organ: it’s a collection of cells and systems throughout your body. You can support certain aspects of that system but not others.

Generally, any practice that supports good health will support your immune system.

According to Harvard, practices that support a good immune system include:

  • Don’t smoke
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise regularly
  • Lose weight and maintain a healthy weight
  • Drink alcohol in moderation
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Take steps to avoid infection; wash your hands frequently and be extra cautious in shared public spaces
  • Reduce stress

By implementing these tips, you can support good immune efficiency, making it easier for your body to fight infections, diseases, and illnesses.

Some supplements claim to support immunity. Some supplements are rich with antioxidants or anti-inflammatory compounds, for example, which can make it easier for your immune system to fight infection. These supplements are often unproven, however. A balanced diet and moderate exercise can support immune system more effectively than a nutritional supplement.

How Chiropractic Treatment Could Support Immunity

There’s some evidence suggesting that chiropractic treatment can support a good immune system.

In 2020, researchers from the World Federation of Chiropractic published a study examining all available literature on chiropractic care and immunity. The study specifically mentioned the COVID-19 pandemic, examining how chiropractic care may help people deal with the coronavirus.

After analyzing available research, researchers concluded that there was some small evidence supporting the connection between the immune system and chiropractic care, although more largescale evidence was needed to confirm the connection between chiropractic care and immunity.

In this study published in 1991, for example, researchers in Illinois analyzed the effect of spinal manipulation on respiratory immune cells. Researchers gave a group of people two different treatments, including valid spinal manipulation therapy or a sham treatment. Researchers found there was higher immune cell activity in the spinal manipulation group and no change in the sham group:

“The CL responses of both PMN [polymorphonuclear neutrophils] and monocytes from subjects who received spinal manipulation were significantly higher after than before treatment, and significantly higher than the response in sham or soft-tissue treated subjects.”

In 2008, researchers analyzed immune production in subjects before and after receiving spinal manipulation therapy. Researchers found there were higher levels of IL-2 synthesis in patients who underwent spinal manipulation therapy. The study concluded that, “SMT [spinal manipulation therapy] might influence IL-2-regulated biological responses”.

A 2013 study published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association found that osteopathic manipulation may reduce symptoms in influenza patients. That study also explained the role of osteopaths during the 1918-1919 Spanish influenza pandemic, when osteopaths reduced mortality and morbidity using lymphatic treatment techniques.

These studies and others suggest that physical manipulation – including chiropractic treatment – could impact immunity. However, we need more largescale research on humans to verify a connection between chiropractic care and immunity.

Final Word On Boosting The Immune System

A healthy lifestyle is the best way to support your immune system. Research shows that a balanced diet, moderate exercise, and reduced stress can all support a healthy immune system, for example.

Some research shows that chiropractic care can support immunity. Chiropractic care could increase the activity of certain immune cells, although more research is needed to verify these benefits.

Renew Chiropractic is the leading chiropractor in Lakewood, Colorado.

With 20+ years of experience serving the Denver area, Renew Chiropractic has built a reputation for effective chiropractic results. Contact Renew Chiropractic today for a free consultation.

Tips for Supporting The Immune System

A strong immune system protects your body. With or without a pandemic, you need a good immune system to stay healthy.

You can find plenty of guides online that claim to strengthen your immune system. Certain nutritional supplements claim to support immunity, for example. Some people claim certain exercises can boost immunity.

We’re not going to tell you to drink detox tea to support immunity. Instead, we want to explain real, science-backed ways to support your immune system.

Keep reading to discover what the AARP, Harvard Health, and other experts say about supporting the immune system.

Stay Active with Moderate Exercise

It’s no secret that moderate exercise can support the immune system. According to the AARP, working out causes your body’s antibodies and white blood cells to circulate more rapidly. When these compounds circulate more rapidly, it increases their ability to target infections.

Being active also lowers stress hormones, which reduces your chances of getting sick.

One study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that people who exercised at least five days a week were half as likely to develop a cold than those who were sedentary. Those who exercised regularly also experienced less severe symptoms. Researchers analyzed the lifestyle habits of 1,002 participants across the UK and found that people who exercised regularly were less likely to get sick or experience severe symptoms.

There are other benefits of exercise: some studies show that physically increasing the body’s temperature (which occurs with exercise) can increase your body’s ability to fight germs.

It’s important to exercise in moderation. Too much exercise can weaken the immune system. Experts recommend 30 to 60 minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise most days of the week.

Eat a Balanced Diet

80 to 90% of your immune system is in your gut. Poor gut health is linked with poor immunity. Your gut fights infections, recognizes invaders, and protects your body against illness. People with poor gut health may experience indigestion, immune system issues, and other problems.

Studies show that a balanced diet can support good immune health. Eat your recommended daily amounts of fruits and vegetables, get lots of healthy fats, and eat whole foods instead of processed foods. Some experts recommend a Mediterranean diet for maximum immune health, although any balanced diet should have a positive impact on your immune system.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, certain foods can positively impact your immune system more than others, including:

Garlic: Garlic is rich with a compound called allicin. According to the Cleveland Clinic, eating one-half of a raw garlic clove per day can boost the immune system.

Prebiotics: Prebiotics feed your good gut bacteria (probiotic bacteria), keeping them healthy and active. If you’re already taking a probiotic, then consider eating more prebiotics. Asparagus, bananas, and artichokes are rich with prebiotics.

Vitamin C: Many people take vitamin C supplements to boost the immune system. Eating vitamin C-rich foods could support immunity. Kiwi, orange juice, broccoli, and cantaloupe are all rich with vitamin C.

Antioxidants: Many fruits and vegetables are rich with antioxidants, which reduce inflammation and neutralize oxidative stress throughout your body, strengthening your immune system.

Get More Vitamin D

Increasing research shows a connection between vitamin D and immunity. Studies have shown that people who get more vitamin D per day tend to have stronger immune systems than those who don’t get enough vitamin D.

Your body produces vitamin D naturally when exposed to sunlight. However, if you don’t spend much time outside, or if you live in a dark or wintry climate, then you may not be getting enough vitamin D.

Many people take vitamin D supplements. Health experts recommend that people who live in northern climates take vitamin D supplements, for example, to support immunity during winter.

You can find dozens of studies verifying the importance of diet on the immune system. This 2018 study, for example, found that a Mediterranean diet combined with vitamin D3 supplementation induced small but extensive changes within immune cells. Participants took 400 IU of a vitamin D supplement per day and increased the number of immune cells.

Reduce Stress

Stress can weaken the immune system. A stressed body is less effective at fighting disease – and research confirms that fact.

This study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, for example, exposed 300 healthy adults to the cold virus, then monitored them in quarantine for five days. Participants who were stressed had more inflammation than people who were not stressed.

Stress has a doubling effect on immunity: research shows that people who are stressed engage in other unhealthy habits. You might eat or drink more when stressed, for example, or struggle to get healthy sleep. All of these factors can weaken immunity further.

It’s no secret that reducing stress can improve your health. However, it’s not always easy to reduce stress.

This 2012 study found that adults 50 and older who exercised daily or performed a mindfulness routine were less likely to get a respiratory infection than subjects in a control group. When this group did get sick, they recovered more quickly than the control group.

Schedule Chiropractic Treatment

There’s some evidence that chiropractic treatment increases immune cell activity, helping your body fight disease and illness. Some small studies have shown that chiropractic care increases the activity of white blood cells and cytokines.

This 2013 study found that spinal manipulation therapy impacted the body’s production of interleukin-2, for example, a cytokine that plays a crucial role in the immune system.

However, chiropractic care can indirectly support your immune system in other ways. Chiropractic treatment could reduce stress, for example, which makes it easier for your immune system to function. Multiple studies show a connection between stress and reduced immune efficiency. One of the best ways to support an immune system is to lower your stress.

Get More Sleep

Sleep is crucial for health, and it’s also important for immune efficiency. Sleep helps your immune system rest and recuperate. When you’re sleep deprived, your body produces more stress hormones – like cortisol. When you have enough sleep, your body is in a more relaxed state.

Science has reinforced the idea that good sleep leads to a good immune system.

One study published in 2015 found that people who slept at least seven hours per night were four times less likely to get a cold than those who slept fewer than six hours per night.

A similar study found that people with eight hours of sleep per night had higher levels of T cells than those who slept fewer than eight hours.

Request a Free Chiropractic Consultation in Denver Today

Contact Renew Chiropractic to schedule chiropractic care today.

Whether seeking to relieve stress or manage pain, you can achieve targeted goals with help from the experienced team at Renew Chiropractic. Renew Chiropractic has 20+ years of experience addressing patients’ needs throughout Denver.

Contact Renew Chiropractic to schedule a free consultation or book chiropractic therapy today.

Myths & Facts of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition among men and women of all ages.

Most people associate carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) with repetitive hand movements – like clicking a computer mouse, typing, or playing piano. However, there’s much more to know about carpal tunnel syndrome.

Chiropractor Care For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Today, we’re explaining some of the myths, facts, and truths about carpal tunnel syndrome – including things you need to know about CTS.

Myth #1: I don’t type or play piano so I can’t get carpal tunnel syndrome

Most people associate carpal tunnel syndrome with typing, playing piano, or performing other small finger movements.

It’s true: some carpal tunnel syndrome cases are linked to repetitive typing, piano playing, or finger movements.

However, carpal tunnel syndrome is linked to far more than just piano playing and typing. People develop carpal tunnel syndrome by riding a motorcycle or bike, for example. Some people develop CTS from tennis or golf.

In some cases, carpal tunnel syndrome is not linked to any specific hand movement or activity. It simply develops over time when a similar motion is repeated.

Some people can spend their whole lives at a computer and never experience CTS symptoms. Others will type for a few straight months at a new job and develop CTS. Simply performing an activity does not necessarily lead to the development of CTS.

Myth #2: Carpal tunnel syndrome only affects my wrist and hand

Most people associate carpal tunnel syndrome with the wrist and hand, although its effects can be felt all over the body. Carpal tunnel syndrome can start in the neck and shoulders, for example, radiating down the arms into your hands.

In some CTS sufferers, it’s difficult to localize the sensation of CTS. They might feel tingling all down their arms and into their wrists and hands, for example.

Myth #3: Carpal tunnel syndrome is permanent, and I can’t treat CTS

This myth is only partially true. If diagnosed early, it’s possible to reverse symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

After a certain point, however, carpal tunnel syndrome can cause serious, permanent damage to your hand, fingers, and thumbs.

If you are experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, then it’s important to seek treatment early. A chiropractor or other professional can target symptoms of CTS, using proven therapies to restore sensation to the affected area.

Myth #4: I can only treat CTS with surgery

Some patients require surgery to alleviate carpal tunnel syndrome, but other patients relieve symptoms with no surgery required. In many patients, recovering from CTS is a non-invasive process that requires simple therapies or treatments.

Some medical experts recommend wearing a wrist brace to alleviate CTS, for example. Some wear a wrist brace at night to relieve CTS symptoms the next day. Others wear a wrist brace during certain activities – like when typing on a computer, where you’re more likely to flex your wrist.

Common therapies for carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Resting the wrist
  • Avoiding heavy wrist usage or repetitive movements
  • Wearing a wrist brace
  • Using ice
  • Taking NSAIDs or diuretics
  • Getting a steroid injection
  • Taking an oral corticosteroid drug like prednisone
  • Following other treatment or therapy plans recommended by a medical doctor or chiropractor

More severe carpal tunnel syndrome cases may require surgery. Many cases, however, can be managed when caught early using one of the therapies above.

Myth #5: My hand or wrist is tingling so it must be carpal tunnel syndrome

If you experience tingling or numbness in your hands, then you might assume it’s carpal tunnel syndrome. That may be the case – or it may not.

Some people experience tingling or numbness due to poor circulation, cardiovascular issues, or nerve pain (neuropathy), for example. Some people have ulnar tunnel syndrome, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, trigger finger or snapping finger, or cubital tunnel syndrome, among other similar conditions.

To diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome, a doctor might ask if you feel pain or numbness in specific parts of your hand. Most people experience CTS in their thumb, index, and middle fingers, for example, but you will not feel tingling in your right or pinky fingers.

You may also notice CTS at different times of day. Most people experience more severe CTS symptoms at night, for example – especially if your wrist and hand were active all day.

Myth #6: Everyone has an equal risk of CTS

People have different risks of CTS depending on many factors. Diabetes appears to play a role in developing CTS, for example, as do certain types of arthritis, including psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Women also seem much more likely to develop CTS than men. Statistics show that approximately 75% of CTS patients are women.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is more common among older patients, although the average patient may not be as old as you think. CTS is commonly diagnosed in patients between ages 50 and 70, for example, and is less commonly diagnosed in older men and women.

Speak with a Chiropractor About Your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

At Renew Chiropractic in Lakewood, Colorado, patients can relieve carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms with customized therapies. Experienced chiropractor Dr. Jason Jumper has a proven track record of relieving symptoms of CTS without requiring invasive surgery.

Schedule a free consultation today. Many are surprised to discover how effectively chiropractic therapy can relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

What You Need to Know About Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain.

Plantar fasciitis is caused from inflammation in the thick band of tissue running across the bottom of your foot. This tissue, which is called the plantar fascia, connects your heel bone to your toes.

If you experience stabbing pains along the bottom of your feet when taking your first steps in the morning, then you may have plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis pain may decrease with more steps. However, it may return after long periods of standing or when you stand up after sitting.

Plantar fasciitis is particularly common in runners. It’s also common in people who or overweight and people who wear shoes with inadequate support.

Today, we’re explaining what you need to know about plantar fasciitis, including what it is, its symptoms, and its treatment options.

Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis include a stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot near the heel.

Most plantar fasciitis sufferers notice the issue primarily during the first few steps of the day – say, just after getting out of bed. However, you may also notice it after long periods of inactivity, like if you were sitting at your desk for 2-3 hours with minimal movement.

What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation in the plantar fascia, which is the thick band of tissue that runs from your toes to your heel across the bottom of your foot.

When this tissue becomes irritated or inflamed, it causes pain.

The plantar fascia is in the shape of a bowstring. The tissue supports your foot and absorbs shock as you walk and run.

A healthy plantar fascia can absorb tension and stress. When tension becomes too great, however, it can cause small tears in the tissue. When you repeatedly stretch and tear the plantar fascia, it can lead to irritation and inflammation.

We know that plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation and irritation in the plantar fascia. However, the cause of this inflammation isn’t always clear.

Risk Factors of Plantar Fasciitis

Some people develop plantar fasciitis due to excessive wear and tear in the region – like too much running or walking, improper shoe support, and obesity, or a combination of all three.

For others, however, the cause of plantar fasciitis remains unclear.

We do know, however, that certain factors put you more at risk of developing plantar fasciitis, including:

  • Age: Plantar fasciitis is most common between ages 40 and 60.
  • Certain Types of Exercise: Some types of exercise place stress on your heel and attached tissue. Long-distance running, ballet dancing, aerobic dance, and similar foot-intensive activities can all increase the risk of plantar fasciitis.
  • Foot Mechanics: Having flat feet, a high arch, or an abnormal walking pattern can affect the way weight is distributed when standing, putting added stress on the plantar fascia tissue and increasing the chance of developing plantar fasciitis.
  • Obesity: People who are obese or overweight naturally put more pressure on their feet during normal activities, increasing the risk of plantar fasciitis.
  • Occupational Hazards: Some people spend all day on their feet during work. People in certain professions – like cashiers or factory workers – may have increased risk of plantar fasciitis.

How to Diagnose Plantar Fasciitis

A doctor, physical therapist, or chiropractor can diagnose plantar fasciitis with a physical examination and other tests.

The specialist may ask about your medical history, for example, and check areas of tenderness in your foot.

If your foot is tender in certain areas but not others, then it’s a sign you have plantar fasciitis.

Typically, specialists can diagnose plantar fasciitis without an imaging test. However, some may recommend an X-ray or MRI to verify a diagnosis.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Plantar Fasciitis?

Chiropractors, physical therapists, and physicians may treat plantar fasciitis using medications, therapies, manipulations, or injections. Severe cases of plantar fasciitis may require surgery, although surgery is rare.

Common treatments for plantar fasciitis include:

  • Pain Relief Drugs: Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others) and naproxen sodium (Aleve) may reduce the pain and inflammation caused by plantar fasciitis.
  • Physical Therapy: Physical therapists can stretch the plantar fascia tendon and Achilles, reducing the risk of injury, strengthening the leg muscles, and supporting the bottom of your feet.
  • Night Splints: A splint may stretch your calf and the arch of your foot, holding your plantar fascia and Achilles tendon in a lengthened position overnight to stretch it.
  • Orthotics: Doctors might prescribe arch supports (orthotics) to reduce symptoms of plantar fasciitis. Some can treat their condition with on-the-shelf orthotics, while others with more serious cases may want to buy custom-fitted orthotics.
  • Steroid Injections: Injecting steroid medication into the tender area of the foot can provide temporary pain relief from plantar fasciitis.
  • Plasma Injections: Some specialists also recommend platelet-rich plasma injections, which can promote tissue healing in the region.
  • Shock Wave Therapy: Shock wave therapy directs sound waves at the affected area to stimulate healing.
  • Ultrasonic Tissue Repair: Ultrasonic tissue repair is a minimally invasive procedure where doctors use ultrasound imaging to guide a needle-like probe into the damaged plantar fascia tissue. This probe vibrates rapidly, breaking up damaged tissue and suctioning it out, kickstarting your body’s natural healing processes.
  • Surgery: Most plantar fasciitis cases can be addressed with the treatment methods above, and few people require surgery. However, if pain is severe and all other treatments have failed, then a doctor may recommend surgery. During plantar fasciitis surgery, the plantar fascia tissue is detached from the heel bone.
Home Remedies for Plantar Fasciitis

A chiropractor or other plantar fasciitis specialist may recommend home treatments to supplement care. Popular home remedies for plantar fasciitis include:

  • Lose Weight: Losing weight puts less strain on your feet and plantar fascia tendon.
  • Buying Better Shoes: Supportive shoes with a low to moderate heel, thick soles, good arch support, and extra cushioning can reduce inflammation in the plantar fascia tendon.
  • Replace Old Running Shoes: If you run or walk using an old, worn-out pair of shoes, then you may be at-risk for developing plantar fasciitis.
  • Reduce High-Impact Physical Activity: Take a break from high-impact sports or contact sports. Try low-impact exercises like swimming or biking instead.
  • Apply Ice: Applying ice to the bottom of your feet can reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Stretch your Arches: Ask your chiropractor about at-home exercises to stretch your plantar fascia, Achilles tendon, and calf muscles.
Schedule a Free Chiropractic Plantar Fasciitis Appointment in Lakewood, Colorado Today

Dr. Jason Jumper and the team at Renew Chiropractic can treat symptoms of plantar fasciitis, putting patients on the path towards recovery.

With decades of proven chiropractic experience, Dr. Jumper is one of the most-trusted chiropractors in the greater Denver area.

Schedule a free plantar fasciitis consultation with Renew Chiropractic in Lakewood, Colorado today.

Top 9 Myths About Whiplash

3 million Americans are diagnosed with whiplash every year.

Approximately 50% of whiplash cases lead to chronic pain. Some people deal with whiplash pain for the rest of their lives.

Despite the prevalence of whiplash, there are still many myths about whiplash. Whiplash doesn’t have to come from a car accident, for example, and you don’t have to apply significant force to develop whiplash.

Today, we’re debunking some of the most common myths about whiplash.

Myth #1: You’ll Notice Whiplash Symptoms Within 24 Hours of Injury

Most whiplash symptoms occur soon after a car accident or other traumatic event. However, some people don’t notice symptoms of whiplash for days or even weeks.

As the Cleveland Clinic explains, “you may feel signs and symptoms immediately after the injury or they may not show up for several days”.

Myth #2: Whiplash Injuries Are More Common Among Elderly Drivers

You might assume that older adults are more likely to experience whiplash than younger adults.

In fact, statistics show that whiplash is most common in people between ages 30 and 50.

However, it is true that whiplash injuries become more severe with age. As people get older, they become less flexible. The discs and ligaments in your neck aren’t as elastic, which can increase the severity of injury when your neck moves whips back and forth.

Myth #3: You Must Be in a Car Accident to Experience Whiplash

Most whiplash injuries are caused by front or rear-end car accidents. However, you don’t need to be in a vehicle to experience whiplash.

Whiplash can occur at any time. Some people experience whiplash after a fall, for example. Others get whiplash from high impact sports – like snowboarding, skiing, or football.

Myth #4: Men and Women Are Equally At Risk for Whiplash

You might assume that men and women have an equal risk of experiencing whiplash. In fact, there’s a significant gender difference in whiplash cases.

One study from 1999 found that females had 3 times the risk of developing whiplash compared to men. That study analyzed rear-end collision data from Folksam, a Swedish insurance company. After controlling for male and female positions within the vehicle (i.e. driver and passenger positions), researchers found that women were still 3 times as likely as men to suffer from whiplash.

Females not only had a higher risk of whiplash injury than men, but they also had increased disability rates compared to males.

A study from Volvo’s accident database reinforced these results, finding that females were 2x to 3x more likely to suffer from whiplash in an accident.

Myth #5: Passengers and Drivers Are Equally as Likely to Get Whiplash

The same 1999 study linked above found that drivers were more at risk for whiplash than passengers.

Specifically, the driver position had twice the relative risk of whiplash as the front passenger position – at least for whiplash cases involving rear-end impacts.

Researchers analyzed Volvo’s data to find similar results: drivers were more likely to get whiplash than passengers, although this difference was less significant with crashes involving male drivers and passengers.

Myth #6: You Have to Be Driving Faster than 10mph to Get Whiplash

When you think of whiplash, you might think of high-speed collisions. However, it doesn’t take a lot of force for whiplash to occur.

In fact, many whiplash injuries from vehicle accidents occur at speeds between 5mph and 10mph.

A minor parking lot collision may not seem serious – but it can often lead to whiplash for all parties involved.

Myth #7: Rest is Always the Best Way to Treat Whiplash Injuries

You might assume that rest is the best way to treat a whiplash injury. Rest can lead to temporary pain relief.

However, rest can actually be bad for certain whiplash injuries. Prolonged rest – say, for more than 2-3 days – can stiffen the muscles in your neck, shoulders and back. This makes your muscles weak and could lengthen whiplash pain.

In many whiplash cases, the best way to recover is to return to normal activity as soon as your doctor approves it.

Myth #8: All Whiplash Injuries Are Mostly the Same

Whiplash injuries vary widely in severity. Some whiplash injuries go away on their own after a few days. Other injuries last weeks, months, or even years. Some patients deal with whiplash pain for life.

Physicians grade whiplash injuries on a scale from 0 to 3:

  • Grade 0: No physical signs of injury or patient complaints.
  • Grade 1: No physical signs of injury, but neck pain is present.
  • Grade 2: There are physical signs of a musculoskeletal injury and the patient is experiencing neck pain.
  • Grade 3: There are neurological signs of whiplash and the patient is experiencing neck pain.
Myth #9: Whiplash Injuries Will Go Away On Their Own

Unfortunately, whiplash injuries may not heal themselves.

In fact, researchers have found that up to 50% of people who experience a whiplash injury will never fully recover. Up to 30% of whiplash victims will remain “moderately to severely disabled by their condition”.

Whiplash Chiropractic Care in Lakewood, Colorado

If you are experiencing symptoms of whiplash, then consider visiting a chiropractor.

Renew Chiropractic offers free consultations for new patients.

Call 720-493-5885 and discover how Lakewood’s leading chiropractor can help you recover from whiplash.

What is Science Based Nutrition and How Does It Work?

Science Based Nutrition is a nutritional healthcare system created by an Ohio-based company. The system uses a blood test to give patients unique insight into their optimal nutrition.

Today, Renew Chiropractic and other healthcare professionals use Science Based Nutrition to help patients achieve their health goals.

Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about Science Based Nutrition and how it works.

What is Science Based Nutrition?

Science Based Nutrition (SBN) is a patented blood analysis system created by a company called Science Based Nutrition in Dayton, Ohio, which was founded by Van D Merkle DC, DABCI, DCBN, CCN.

The company created Science Based Nutrition to help people reach their optimum health. Today, across the United States, SBN-trained health professionals use this patented blood analysis system to formulate nutritional protocols.

After analyzing the results of your blood test, an SBN trained health professional can give you actionable nutritional advice to help achieve your personal health goals without the use of prescription drugs.

How Does Science Based Nutrition Work?

Science Based Nutrition starts with a comprehensive blood chemistry panel. This blood test allows your healthcare provider – like our own SBN-trained Dr. Jason Jumper – to establish a baseline of biomarkers to track the health and nutritional needs of the patient.

After receiving the results of the comprehensive blood test, the health professional gains unique insight into a patient’s current health, including information that cannot be found from simpler blood tests or general checkups.

Why is a Science Based Nutrition Blood Test Better Than a Traditional Blood Test?

Most patients undergo blood tests as part of their normal physical checkup. So what makes a Science Based Nutrition blood test different?

The problem with traditional blood tests is that they use a “Clinical Range” to assess your health. If you are within this specific Clinical Range, then you are most likely considered “normal”, and your blood test will come back with no obvious problems.

However, “normal” does not necessarily mean healthy.

The problem lies in how Clinical Ranges are calculated. Clinical Ranges are determined by taking 100 to 200 people who recently tested at one specific lab. There’s no centralized agency managing these test results. The people who undergo lab testing typically have some type of health issue. As a result, the population pool used to establish a “Clinical Range” is generally sicker than average.

Does it make sense to compare your blood test results to a pool of people experiencing health problems? Not really.

For this reason and others, many patients have chosen to undergo a Science Based Nutrition blood test.

A Science Based Nutrition blood test incorporates an “Optimal” or “Healthy” range. The Optimal Range takes the middle 20% of the Clinical Range, alerting patients to potential health problems long before they would have appeared on a traditional blood test.

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What Will I Learn from a Science Based Nutrition Blood Test?

After undergoing a Science Based Nutrition blood test, the results will be delivered to Renew Chiropractic or the healthcare provider of your choice.

Your individualized Science Based Nutrition report starts with a summary of any abnormal test findings. Your test might show that your blood had an abnormal red blood cell count, for example, which could indicate anemia.

The report also explains why the blood test indicated a low red blood cell count – including results like low blood total protein, low blood globulin, and high blood hemoglobin A1C.

Then, the report connects this test result to your symptoms. You may have reported poor concentration or memory, for example, a high heart rate, and cold hands. Patients provide their symptoms and current medication information to the doctor prior to undergoing a Science Based Nutrition test.

Each test result is linked with a specific nutritional recommendation. In the case of low red blood cells, patients may be able to treat symptoms by taking Methyl B12 Plus.

Other test results could indicate a vitamin D deficiency, in which case the report recommends a Vitamin D 5000IU supplement. Or, patients with gastrointestinal problems linked to low chloride and calcium levels might be told to take a calcium supplement.

Ready to get started on optimizing your health?

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Get Actionable Nutritional Advice in an Easy-to-Read Format

Science Based Nutrition reports are patient-friendly. The detailed medical information and test results are there for those who want it, but the most important information is written in simple English.

The reports are also color coded. A yellow number of the report, for example, is a warning, while red is danger and blue is emergency.

Based on the information in your Science Based Nutrition report, your medical professional will recommend specific dietary changes.

The Science Based Nutrition system is built with the understanding that different doctors have different views on nutrition, which is why it gives doctors the freedom to create their own advice for patients.

The Science Based Nutrition report concludes with specific dosages and recommendations, including:

  • MagMalic: 2 times per day
  • Lipogen: 2 times per day
  • Chlorella Clean: 4 times per day
  • Betaine Plus: 3 times per day

It all comes together in a convenient, easy-to-understand Science Based Nutrition report customized to your unique physiology.

Schedule your Science Based Nutrition Blood Test Today

A Science Based Nutrition provides unique insight into your health beyond a normal blood test.

Schedule a consultation with Renew Chiropractic today for nutrition testing and blood analysis backed by science, and discover what your blood says about your optimal nutrition.

Get Started

12 Things You Need to Know About Nutrition Labels

Today, we’re explaining some of the things you may not know about nutrition labels and how they work.

All Listed Ingredients Are Sorted by Weight: The ingredients on a nutrition label are listed in a specific order for a reason. The first item on any ingredients list is the one that weighs the heaviest in the product, while the remaining ingredients are listed in descending order.

Serving Size Can Vary Widely: Food manufacturers are legally required to list truthful information on nutritional labels. However, they do have control over serving sizes, and serving sizes can vary widely between two similar products. One bag of chips might be labeled as having 100 calories and 200mg of sodium per serving, for example, but there are five servings in each bag.

Understanding % Daily Value: Every nutrition label has a % Daily Value section listed. It’s the amount of one particular vitamin or nutrient found in each serving relative to your total recommended intake per day. Daily Value is based on the average adult’s size and physiology, but it’s certainly not customized to your unique needs. Consider getting a Science Based Nutrition blood test that analyzes your biomarkers to determine optimal nutritional intake.

5% is Low, 20% or More is High: As a general rule, the FDA advises that 5% DV or less is low, while 20% DV or more is high. Pay attention to these numbers while doing a quick scan of the nutrition facts label.

Calorie Guides Are Based on a 2,000 Calorie Diet: The average person should consume 2,000 calories per day. However, your specific calorie needs can vary widely. The FDA recommends you check calories on a nutrition facts label based on the following guidelines:

  • 40 calories is low
  • 100 calories is moderate
  • 400 calories or more is high

Most People Already Consume Enough Saturated Fat, Trans Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium: The first nutrients on a nutritional label are fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Generally, health experts recommend limiting the amounts of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium as part of a healthy diet. Most Americans already get sufficient amounts of these nutrients – or even too much – as part of a normal diet.

Most People Don’t Consume Enough Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, or Iron: Check the nutrition label for dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Most Americans do not get sufficient amounts of these nutrients in their diets.

Not All Foods Have a Nutrition Facts Label: In the United States, all packaged food must have a nutritional facts label by law. Certain foods, however, are exempt, including raw fruits, vegetables, and fish. Products like coffee, tea, and food coloring are also not required to have nutrition facts labels because they contain an insignificant amount (i.e. zero amount) of all required nutrients.

Certain Small Businesses Do Not Need to Add Food Labels to Products: Have you ever wondered why products sold at farmer’s markets don’t have food labels? Well, these products are generally not required to have food labels. Small businesses with less than $50,000 of food sales or less than $500,000 of total sales are not required to add nutrition facts labels. However, many small businesses add nutrition facts labels before hitting the threshold because it gives products added transparency.

Understanding Upper Limits and Lower Limits: Some nutrition facts labels or nutrition guides use an upper and lower limit. An upper limit means you should “eat less than” that amount, while a lower limit means you should “eat at least” that amount.

Certain People, Including Adolescents and Post-Menopausal Women, Have Unique Daily Value (%DV) Needs: The Daily Value category doesn’t work for everyone. Consider calcium as an example. Experts recommend getting 1,000mg of calcium per day (100% DV) as part of a normal, 2,000 calorie diet. However, experts recommend that adolescents (particularly girls) consume 1,300mg (130% DV) of calcium per day, and that post-menopausal women take 1,200mg (120% DV) of calcium per day. Women who are nursing or pregnant also have unique nutritional needs.

Calories Are Energy: You may think of calories as just a number on your food. It may be more helpful, however, to think of calories as energy. If you consume more calories, you have more energy to burn. If you don’t burn that energy, you’ll gain weight. The calorie count on the nutritional label also refers to the total energy from all of the ingredients in the food, including the total energy from the carbs, fats, and protein.

Looking for More Guidance on Food Choices? A Chiropractor Can Help

Renew Chiropractic is Lakewood and Denver’s leading chiropractic clinic.
Schedule an appointment today to receive customized nutritional advice catered to your unique physiology and health goals.

Relief Tips for Muscle Knots And Myofascial Pain

Muscle knots can leave your body feeling tender and achy. 90% of American adults have experienced a muscle knot at some point in their lives. They can impair mobility, cause pain, and make it difficult to perform ordinary tasks.

Want to prevent muscle knots from affecting your quality of life? Keep reading to discover what you need to know about muscle knots – including proven tips for relieving muscle knots.

What is a Muscle Knot?

A muscle knot is a stiff band of muscle with a hard knob in the center. This hard knob is known as the trigger point. Muscle knots are also known as myofascial trigger points.

Typically, muscle knots appear in your back, shoulders, and neck. However, they can appear virtually anywhere on your body.

Sometimes, the pain from a muscle knot pops up spontaneously, making it an active muscle knot. In other cases, the muscle knot is only painful when pressed, making it a latent muscle knot.

With both active and latent muscle knots, the pain can radiate beyond the trigger point into the surrounding muscles.

What Causes Muscle Knots?

Muscle knots are complicated. They can be caused by a number of different things. More research is being done on muscle knots every year, although we still have a lot to learn.

Many muscle knots are caused by the triggers you would expect, including overuse, heavy lifting, or repetitive activities that strain a certain muscle group.

Some of the most common causes of muscle knots include:

  • Psychological stress
  • Bad posture
  • Poor ergonomics (like an improperly setup workstation)
  • Fatigue
  • Dehydration
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Bad sleep quality or sleep disturbances
  • Joint problems

Muscles are designed to be used. They’re designed to contract and relax. However, the activities above can impede the natural ability for muscles to lengthen and shorten.

Sitting at a computer desk all day with little movement, for example, is particularly tough on your muscles. The muscle fibers begin to stick to each other, forming a knot.

Or, bad posture can also cause muscle knots. Bad posture puts stress on your muscles. Over a long enough period of time, this stress leads to the formation of scar tissue.

Certain groups are at a particularly high risk of developing muscle knots. Risk factors of muscle knots include aging, disease, and stress. People with fibromyalgia are also much more likely to develop muscle knots.

Symptoms of Muscle Knots

You may have a muscle knot and not even know it. Your muscle knot may be latent, which means you don’t feel it until someone presses the affected region – say, during a massage.

Pain is the primary symptom of a muscle knot.

Other common symptoms include a swollen, tense, bumpy, or achy feeling in the affected area.

How to Treat a Muscle Knot

A medical professional – like a chiropractor – will diagnose your muscle knot before deciding on the course of treatment. The chiropractor might check the area for a taut band of muscle, for example, or a tender nodule, applying physical pressure to the patient to verify the presence of the muscle knot.

Then, treatment can begin. Muscle knot treatment typically consists of:

  • Stretching
  • Chiropractic Movements
  • Acupuncture
  • Exercise
  • Massage Therapy
  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • Ultrasound Therapy

The goal of these treatments is to release the trigger point to reduce pain and increase mobility. A chiropractor might utilize one treatment – or several – with the goal of breaking up the knotted tissue and calming inflamed nerves.

Preventing Muscle Knots

One of the best ways to treat muscle knots is to avoid getting them in the first place. Some of the strategies you can use to reduce your risk of muscle knots include:

Improve your posture while standing and sitting. Keep your head level and straight when sitting. Sit in a relaxed position with your shoulders back and down. Avoid slouching.

Use proper lifting technique or avoid lifting heavy items entirely.

Stay hydrated with water and electrolytes, including calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

If you sit for long periods of the day, then take regular stretch breaks to prevent muscle tightness. Get up every 30 minutes to stretch, letting your muscles expand and contract to avoid muscle knots.

At-Home Treatments for Muscle Knots

Professionals can treat muscle knots more effectively than anyone. However, certain at-home treatments may provide basic relief, including:

  • Find the knot with your fingers, then gently massage the spot to loosen the area
  • Press down firmly on the knot and make small circles
  • Use a tennis ball or foam roller to apply pressure to the knot if it’s in a hard-to-reach place (like your back)
Renew Chiropractic Specializes in Muscle Knot Treatment

Get relief from your muscle knots with Renew Chiropractic. Schedule an appointment today to discover relief from pain, stiffness, and other unwanted muscle knot symptoms.

Backpack Tips: How to Choose and Wear the Right Backpack

Many Americans develop back or neck problems because of a bad or improperly-worn backpack.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent backpack-related body pain. Today, we’re explaining some of the best tips for choosing, using, and wearing the right backpack.

Weight Matters

Students carry up to 30 pounds of weight in their backpacks – even at a young age. That’s a problem: one study published in Spine in 2010 found that children’s spines were compressed when carrying heavy loads.

Another study published in BioMed Research International in 2015 found that backpacks heavier than 10% of a child’s body weight could cause the child’s back to lean one way or another.

Other studies have shown that incorrect backpack usage at any age can lead to posture problems and stiffness.

At the very least, a heavy backpack can leave children in pain. For these reasons and others, the American Occupational Therapy Association started “National School Backpack Awareness Day”, during which they educate students on the tips and strategies they can use to avoid backpack-related discomfort.

The 10% rule is important. If a 16-year old student weighs 140 pounds, for example, then his backpack should only weigh 14 pounds.

What to Look for in a Backpack

Some of the key features to look for when shopping for a backpack include:

Waist Strap: A waist strap distributes the weight of the backpack across your back more evenly.

Padded Back: A padded back makes the backpack comfier to wear, but it also protects your back against jagged or oddly-shaped objects in the bag.

Wide Shoulder Straps: Wider shoulder straps distribute the weight across the back more evenly. Narrow shoulder straps put too much weight on a small area, and this weight on your neck and shoulders can affect circulation.

Padded Shoulder Straps: Padded shoulder straps reduce the load on your neck and shoulders.

Compartments: Compartments make it easy to organize your backpack and keep it neat. You can distribute the weight evenly and avoid having oddly-shaped objects against your back.

Reasonable Size: You should wear a backpack proportional to your size. A child’s backpack, for example, shouldn’t be the same size as an adult’s backpack. The length of the backpack is particularly important for children, and a child should not wear a backpack designed for an adult torso.

Of course, none of these features matter if you don’t use them. Your backpack might have a great waist strap that distributes the weight more evenly, but if you never take the time to tighten the strap, then you’re not getting the benefits.

Tips for Wearing a Backpack Correctly

After picking the right backpack, you need to wear it correctly. Some of the best tips for wearing a backpack include:

  • The bottom of the backpack should sit at around waist level
  • Wear both shoulder straps at all times
  • Ensure the items and weight in the backpack are distributed evenly
  • Ensure you can walk normally with the backpack on without slouching or breathing heavily
  • Use the waist strap to spread the weight evenly across your back
  • Adjust the shoulder straps so the backpack is high on your back and the shoulder straps are comfortable on your shoulders
  • Readjust straps as needed for different clothes; backpacks could sit differently depending on the thickness of the fabric
  • Your backpack straps should be tight enough so that your backpack doesn’t sway as you walk; swaying can lead to chafing
Final Word

When you purchase the right backpack and wear it correctly, you reduce the risk of pain and discomfort at any age.
Use the tips above to ensure your backpack is helping you – not hurting you.

Debunking the Top 6 Most Common Myths About Back Pain

80% of adults have experienced back pain. You might have had conversations with coworkers or family members about back pain. It’s easy for back pain myths to spread.

Some people will tell you back pain is just a natural part of getting older, for example, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Others will tell you that the best thing you can do for back pain is lie on the couch for a week.

Today, we’re debunking some of the most common myths about back pain.

Myth #1: Back Pain is an Inevitable Part of Getting Older

Some people will tell you that back pain gets worse with age. This can be true for many people. However, if you are already feeling back pain in your 30s and 40s, then that doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to feeling terrible for the rest of your life.

Disc degeneration happens slowly over time. If you ignore back pain and carry on with your habits, then yes, back pain will inevitably get worse over time. However, there are ways to prevent or reduce disc degeneration with age.

Some people find quitting smoking reduces disc degeneration and improves back pain symptoms, for example. Others find staying hydrated or improving posture helps.

Myth #2: The Best Way to Heal My Back Pain is to Rest

Some people believe that resting your back is the best way to heal or prevent back pain.

“Just relax for the weekend. It’s the best thing you can do for your back.”

In reality, too much inactivity will decondition the spine even further. Your back pain might feel better temporarily because you’re not using your back; however, your back will be more prone to pain in the long run.

For most, the best way to heal the back long-term is to strengthen the spine and teach it to move properly. If you avoid exercise or live a sedentary lifestyle, then you could be making back pain significantly worse in the long run.

Myth #3: My Back Pain is Caused By a Single Event

“Man, my back has been sore since that ski accident in 2005.”

Some people develop a severe back injury from a single event. Most back pain, however, is not caused by one single event: it’s caused by a buildup of many smaller events – like poor posture or poor lifting positioning – over a long period of time.

Most back pain is simply wear and tear. You’ve walked with bad posture for 10 years, for example, or you spend long hours in an uncomfortable desk chair at work every day. For most people, this long-term wear and tear is what causes back pain – not a single, specific event.

Myth #4: The Best Way to Prevent Back Pain is to Sit Up Straight

“Slouching is bad for your back. Sit up straight!”

It’s true that slouching is bad for your back. At the same time, however, sitting up too straight and still for long periods of time can also put a strain on your back – especially if your body isn’t used to sitting in that position.

Take a break from keeping your back straight. The best way to take a break is to stand up and maintain good posture. Or, lean back in your chair with your feet on the floor and let your back curve slightly. If you’re forcing your back to stay straight for an extended period of time, you could cause more back pain.

Myth #5: I Can’t Have Back Pain Because I’m Skinny

Being overweight is linked to back pain. Your body is supporting more pounds than it’s accustomed to. For many people, that leads to back pain.

However, that doesn’t mean skinny people are immune from back pain. Anyone can get back pain. People who are extremely thin may have bone density problems or bone loss. This can wreak havoc on your back worse than obesity. Many of those who suffer from anorexia, for example, are at a higher risk of broken bones and crushed vertebrae.

Myth #6: A Firmer Mattress is Best for Relieving Back Pain

“You need to use a firmer mattress. Those soft mattresses are so bad for your back.”

In reality, science has shown that firmer mattresses aren’t necessarily better for back pain. This study performed by researchers in Spain in 2003 analyzed how the firmness of a mattress was related to low back pain symptoms.
Researchers took 313 adults with low back pain. They gave half of the group a “firm” mattress and the other half a “medium-firm” mattress.

Researchers found that patients using the medium-firm mattress had better outcomes for pain and movement than patients with firm mattresses. Because of this, researchers concluded that a mattress “of medium firmness improves pain and disability among patients with chronic non-specific low-back pain.”

Final Word

When 80% of adults have experienced back pain, it’s easy for myths to spread. People feel different back pain symptoms. A back pain solution that works for some might not work for others.
Consider scheduling a consultation with the back pain experts at Renew Chiropractic in Denver, Colorado today

What to Expect During a Chiropractic Consultation: Questions Your Chiropractor Might Ask

A chiropractic consultation could be the first step on the path towards a healthier, more active, and pain-free future.
But what can you expect during a chiropractic consultation? What questions will the chiropractor ask? Will you need to do any tests? Today, we’re explaining what to expect during the average chiropractic consultation.

An Overview of Patient History and Symptoms

Typically, before the consultation takes place, the patient will be asked to fill out a brief questionnaire explaining history and symptoms.

Types of questions a patient will be asked to answer include:

  • When and how did the pain start?
  • Where is the pain located?
  • Is the pain sharp? Dull? Searing or burning? Throbbing?
  • Does the pain come and go? Or is it continual?
  • Did the pain start or become worse after an injury? A car accident? A fall? A sports injury?
  • Does the pain get better or worse during certain activities or situations?

After answering these questions, patients may also be asked for basic information about their family medical history as well as any pre-existing medical conditions or prior injuries. You may also be asked about your previous or current healthcare providers, any treatments they used, and whether or not the treatments were successful.

A Chiropractic Exam

A standard chiropractic exam varies between chiropractic clinics. Generally, however, a chiropractic exam will include tests for blood pressure, respiration, and reflexes – similar to a general physical from your doctor. The chiropractor may also perform additional orthopedic and neurological tests to assess:

  • The range of motion of the affected region or part of your body
  • Muscle tone and muscle strength
  • Neurological integrity

The chiropractor may perform additional tests on the affected region. The patient may be asked to move in a specific way or perform a specific exercise, for example.

After conducting tests, the chiropractor may perform a posture analysis or gait analysis. Or, the chiropractor may perform chiropractic manipulation on the affected body part to determine if symptoms are improved.

Further Diagnostic Studies

Depending on the results from the first two steps of the examination, the chiropractor may recommend further diagnostic studies and tests. These tests can identify structural abnormalities and other pathologies that allow the chiropractor to more accurately diagnose a condition.

The most common tests that may be used by chiropractors include:

  • X-ray exam
  • MRI
  • Other lab tests

It’s important to note that these tests aren’t necessarily standard in every chiropractic exam. The tests should only be taken if the chiropractor has good reason to believe that the tests will yield actionable results or unique insight into the patient.

Many chiropractic clinics can perform basic X-rays. However, few if any chiropractic clinics can perform an MRI scan. Typically, this is performed off-site.

Chiropractic Diagnosis

At the end of the chiropractic exam, the chiropractor will gather all of the facts and evidence to perform a chiropractic diagnosis. Sometimes, a diagnosis can be performed the same day of the initial exam. In other cases, the chiropractor must wait days or weeks for lab tests to be completed.

Once the chiropractor has established the diagnosis, the chiropractor can determine if the condition will respond to chiropractic care. Then, the chiropractor will construct an individualized treatment plan involving chiropractic treatments or other treatments.

Some patients will receive a book of papers explaining this information in detail. They’re encouraged to go home and do their own research to determine if it’s the right treatment plan for them.

Final Word: Chiropractic Consultations Vary Between Chiropractors

Above, we’ve descried a standard chiropractic consultation performed at clinics around the world.
Each chiropractor has his or her own unique process. This process varies between patients and clinics.
Neck pain, back pain, headaches, and other chronic issues rarely go away on their own. Consider scheduling a consultation with Renew Chiropractic in Denver, CO today to get to the root of your concerns.

13 Reasons Why You Could Be Feeling Neck Pain

Most adults will experience neck pain at some point in their lives. However, there are a number of different reasons why you may be feeling neck pain.
Today, we’re highlighting some of the most common reasons behind your neck pain.

Your Workstation is Setup Poorly

Bad posture can sneak into any activity. One of the most common places people experience bad posture, however, is at a workstation. Whether you’re working, typing, studying, or reading, it’s easy to practice poor neck posture at a workstation. Many people extend their necks over a laptop for long hours a day, for example. This can lead to significant neck and back pain problems over time. Take time to organize your workstation for optimal alignment. Make sure the top of your monitor is level with your eyes when staring straight forward, for example.

Too Much Phone Cradling

Do you spend a lot of time on the phone cradling it between your ear and your shoulder? This can put strain on your neck. Consider getting a headset or similar hands-free device.

Repetitive Motions

Certain jobs require you to make the same motion repeatedly. Sometimes, a hard physical labor job can cause neck pain issues. In other cases, frequent neck movement at a desk job – like turning around to talk to a co-worker at a separate cubicle – can cause neck pain. Most neck and back pain isn’t caused by a specific major event: it’s caused by small, repetitive motions over a long period of time that cause wear and tear.

Jaw Problems

Jaw problems can lead to neck pain. Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) on the side of your face sits close to the uppermost vertebra on your neck (the atlas). Many of those who experience TMJ disorders also experience neck pain. Similarly, those who have frequent neck pain issues may develop TMJ disorders.


Some neck pain isn’t linked to repetitive motions or injuries. Instead, it’s linked to arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a condition where the protective cartilage between the joints of your vertebrae wear down. It can cause neck pain when you make certain movements: your bones are rubbing against each other with minimal cartilage in between to reduce grating.

Sports Injury

An old or new sports injury can easily cause neck pain. Slipping, falling, and crashing can easily cause injuries to the neck. Some people are surprise to have symptoms of whiplash after falling playing a sport, for example. However, just like a car accident, certain sports injuries and collisions can generate a tremendous amount of force on the neck, causing whiplash.

Pinched Nerve

Misaligned vertebrae can irritate the nerve roots of your spinal cord, causing a pinched nerve. This can cause neck pain at the source along with numbness, tingling, and weakness through your extremities.
Whiplash or Car Accidents
Whiplash is one of the most common causes of neck pain. Many whiplash accidents – but certainly not all – occur from car accidents. Car accidents and similar collisions can put excessive strain on the tissues and joints in your neck. Sometimes, these effects are felt immediately. In other cases, they take several days to show up.

Sleeping on your Stomach

Stomach sleepers are at a greater risk of developing neck pain. If you sleep on your stomach and experience neck pain, then you may want to adjust your posture. When you sleep on your stomach, your neck is turned maximally to one side or the other. When repeated over a long period of time, it causes stress to the area and could lead to neck pain.

Carrying a Heavy Bag Over One Shoulder

If you regularly carry a heavy bag over one shoulder, then it could lead to neck pain. Your neck and spine adjust themselves to carry the heavy weight on one side of your body. They compensate for the weight on one side by adjusting to the other side, for example. Lighten the load or distribute the weight evenly across your back if you’re experiencing neck pain.

Certain Diseases

Certain diseases or illnesses can lead to neck pain. Rheumatoid arthritis, meningitis, or cancer for example, are all linked to neck pain.

Grinding Your Teeth

Up above, we mentioned that TMJ disorders and neck pain are closely linked. This is the same reason why some people who grind their teeth at night experience neck pain.

Stress and Anxiety

If you have been dealing with a lot of stress lately, then it could cause neck pain. Stress and anxiety cause your muscles to tighten. When people tell you that you’re holding tension in your neck and back – it’s true!

Discover the Cause of Your Neck Pain with a Chiropractic Consultation

Schedule a consultation with Denver’s leading chiropractor today. Renew Chiropractic is accepting new patients.
Since 1997, Dr. Jason Jumper and the Renew Chiropractic team have been solving neck pain problems for patients across Lakewood and Denver, Colorado.